FAQ - Haleakala Solar Hawaii

With more than 40 years of solar system installations under our belt, we can emphatically say YES. As long as you have a qualified solar installation contractor, use proven equipment and technology, and install the system correctly, it is guaranteed to work. We have installed solar systems that have been in operation for over 30 years running. The only reason a solar system won’t work is improper installation and/or faulty equipment. We guarantee our work so if your system, for any reason, isn’t working the way it should, we’ll come and take care of it right away.

For solar hot water, you typically save 30 percent of your electric bill on average. For solar electricity, we can reduce your electric bill by any amount you want.

Cost of systems varies from customer to customer, but in general, most solar hot water systems are paid off in two to three years, while most solar electric systems have a payback period of five to seven years. Commercial systems vary tremendously and are generally on a much larger scale, thus the estimates given on these are on a case by case basis. A Haleakala Solar representative would be able to give you a much more accurate cost assessment after doing a thorough analysis of your needs and situation.


For the money invested, solar hot water systems and devices like attic fans are usually a better investment than photovoltaic systems. That is why, often, we might recommend these items first in order to get you the most return on your investment. Hot water systems and attic fans, though, do not offer the same high profit margin as photovoltaic systems to the solar company. So, installing hot water systems are generally not as enticing to most solar companies, as selling and installing a photovoltaic system. We feel strongly, though, what is most important is how much the CUSTOMER will benefit from the installation of their new energy system, not the SOLAR COMPANY. By offering a variety of systems and programs, we can custom fit a solution that would not only take care of whatever energy needs you have, but get you the most return on your investment as well.

Our trained professionals analyze your current energy needs and costs; check your roof orientation, shading issues, sunshine zone, etc. From there we factor in tax incentives, monthly savings and your payback period on various set ups. We then put together a report going over the options that is best for you.

The tax credit is against the taxes you owe; it’s not a deduction. Currently, the federal government offers a 30 percent tax credit with no cap. The state offer 35% tax credit with caps per system. Therefore, up to 65% the cost of the system is paid for by the government. Over the last 33 years, the government has given incentives and taken them away no less than six times.

Yes. We have available documents that detail Hawaii state tax rulings and federal government rulings.

Depending on the size of the system, one to three days for most residential properties, and longer times for larger or commercial systems. Once we know the size of the system, we can give you a more accurate assessment.

Yes. Here are some of the lenders that we work with:
Kahului Federal Credit Union
Maui County Federal Credit Union
American Savings Bank
Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union
Hawaii Teachers Federal Credit Union
Wailuku Federal Credit Union
Maui Teacher’s Credit Union
We also have loans with no money down, no interest, and no payments for up to 12 months.