Tesla Residential Batteries

Everything You Need To Know About Batteries

Gain Your Independence


Batteries have been around for over a hundred years, but due to cost and unreliability issues, they remained impractical for homes and businesses to incorporate into their energy systems.

Now with advances in technology, the continued rising cost of electricity, and the advent of climate change, batteries are now on the front lines in the battle for independence, savings and clean energy.

residential tesla batteries

Batteries With PV

You may be aware that Hawaiian electricity companies have managed to reduce the credits offered for excess daytime PV generation, so homeowners and business owners all over the State are equipping their PV Systems with Batteries to store their excess generation to be used at night. Furthermore, in the event of a multiday power outage, a Haleakala Solar and Roofing Energy Storage System automatically converts your PV System into an “offgrid” PV System with the ability to keep the lights on indefinitely.

Energy Storage Benefits

Batteries have become more stable and reliable while the costs have dramatically decreased making them the next frontier in the fight against high electricity costs and energy independence. In addition, if you connect batteries to your PV System their cost will receive the same Federal and State Tax credits as your PV System. And finally, what most homeowners and property owners are most excited about the added benefit of powering through an extended outage.

Ready To Go

You are now ready to generate clean, reliable energy on site and consume it directly from the source. Furthermore, because Photovoltaic Systems including the Solar Roof have no moving parts and are extremely durable, you will enjoy this abundant source of power for years and years to come. This is the main reason we can back PV systems and our new Solar Roof systems with long-term warranties and offer long-term financing.

Solar PV Benefits

Reduced Energy Costs – The bulk of Hawaii’s energy comes from burning fossil fuels, which have historically increased at least 5% year over year. Photovoltaic Systems only need the sun’s natural light, a free and limitless source of energy. This ability to generate power without any dependence on nonrenewable fuels translates into reduced energy cost, which, in turn, results in direct savings on your electricity bill. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the average residential Photovoltaic System can lower energy costs by as much as 50%, but Haleakala Solar and Roofing can work with you to save as much as you want. Many of the individuals and businesses we’ve helped now generate their entire energy needs through their PV Systems.

Increased Home Value – In today’s market, green technology is gaining popularity with buyers and sellers of residential and commercial real estate. A recent study found that for every $100 saved per year through solar energy, the home’s value is increased by $2000. Thus, if you install a Photovoltaic System that saves $1000 in electricity cost per year, the added net value to the home would be $20,000. Since energy savings only grow as electricity rates increase, the value of your Solar System also appreciates over time. Furthermore, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, a home that has a Photovoltaic System, will sell faster, sometime 50% sooner than a home without a System, even in weaker markets.

Tax Incentives – As energy costs continue to rise, both Federal and State governments are offering tax incentives to encourage solar power. They understand that clean, renewable energy is good for the environment, the economy, and most importantly, for your family. Learn more about current Tax Incentives.