What Is The Average Cost Of Solar Panels In Hawaii?

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What Is The Average Cost Of Solar Panels In Hawaii? If you want to install solar panels in Hawaii, you’ll need to know the average cost. This blog post will explore the factors that impact solar panel prices in Hawaii and give you tips on what size solar panel system you need. We’ll also discuss […]

Are solar panels worth it in Hawaii?

battery bonus program

Are solar panels worth it in Hawaii? If you’re considering solar panel installation in Hawaii, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the investment. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the average cost of solar installation in Hawaii, how much solar you need to power your home, the payback period for solar panels, […]

Net Metering vs Battery Storage

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Net Metering vs Battery Storage The main difference between net metering and battery storage is that net metering helps to offset energy costs by allowing homeowners to send excess electricity produced from their solar panels back onto the grid, while battery storage stores any extra electricity for personal use.  Net Metering  Net metering is a […]

Roof vs Ground Solar Panels

Installation: roof mount, photovoltaic panels, solar panel array, solar panel system, solar panel installation Benefits: energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy independence, carbon footprint, cost savings Types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin film, amorphous Maintenance: cleaning, inspections, repairs, warranties Regulations: building codes, zoning laws, HOA rules, tax incentives And here are some keyword clusters for ground solar panels: Installation: ground mount, solar panel array, solar panel system, solar panel installation Benefits: energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy independence, carbon footprint, cost savings Types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin film, amorphous Maintenance: cleaning, inspections, repairs, warranties Regulations: building codes, zoning laws, HOA rules, tax incentives Landscaping: grass, plants, flowers, trees, bushes

Roof vs Ground Solar Panels The main difference between roof vs ground solar panels is that roof solar panels are installed directly on the roof of your home or commercial building, while ground solar panels are instead installed on the ground.  Rooftop Solar Panels Rooftop solar panels offer a number of benefits when compared to […]

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles: What you need to know

Metal Roof Installation Haleakala Solar

Tesla Solar Roof Tiles: What you need to know Solar roof tiles from Tesla are one of the latest innovations in solar energy. Solar tiles are made out of a solar material that is designed to shingle over your roof like tiles. What Is a Tesla Solar Roof? As solar energy becomes more and more […]

Roofing Underlayment

Commercial solar PV Hawaii Solar panel installation Solar panel maintenance Solar panel repair Solar panel cleaning Solar panel inspections Solar panel warranties Solar panel financing Solar panel tax credits Solar panel incentives Solar panel system design Solar panel system installation Solar panel system maintenance Solar panel system repair Solar panel system cleaning Solar panel system inspections Solar panel system warranties

Roofing Underlayment Roofing underlayment is a specialized type of roofing material used to ensure the roofing system is properly installed and protected from weather damage. In this blog post, we discuss what roofing underlayment is, the different types of roofing underlayment, the benefits of roofing underlayment, how to install roofing underlayment, and some common roofing […]

Earth Day Events In Hawaii

Earth Day Events In Hawaii This year will mark 46 years since the very first Earth Day celebration which mobilized the public to unite in support of our planet and ignited the environmental movement. The theme for Earth Day 2016 is “Trees for the Earth” (#Trees4earth). The goal is to plant 7.8 billion trees, one for every […]

Maui Sugarcane Land to Become Renewable Energy Crops

Maui Sugarcane Land to Become Renewable Energy Crops With the January announcement that Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) will cease sugar operations at the end of 2016 and transition to a new diversified agricultural model, many have been wondering exactly what will happen to the 36,000 acres used for growing sugar cane on Maui. […]

Hawaii Ends Net Metering And Opens Door for Solar Energy Storage

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Hawaii Ends Net Metering And Opens Door for Solar Energy Storage When one door closes, another opens. This saying holds true when it comes to Hawaii’s solar industry. The Bad News Citing unsafe circuits and grid disruptions as a couple of the technical and operational challenges the utility faces having the highest amount of solar […]

Smart Grid – What Makes It So Smart For Hawaii?

Roof vs Ground Solar Panels

Smart Grid – What Makes It So Smart For Hawaii? Hawaii has an aggressive clean energy goal that all of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources no later than 2045, but in order to get to that goal our electrical grid needs to be able to support all this renewable energy. One of the […]